More than 5,000 new peer-reviewed articles are published across over 27,000 online journals daily. With all this new scholarly content and competition for attention, what's your plan to ensure your publications get the visibility necessary to generate impact
In case you missed it, here are 7 strategies that can help grow your article reach. One strategy that stood out to us was Kudos, a cool new tool for authors; authors saw 19% higher downloads for their published work using their sharing tools. Over the next few months, we plan on A/B testing all the strategies we listed in our post to see which one yields the best bang for your buck.
Testing TrendMD’s Impact on Scholarly Article Readership
First on our list to test: how does TrendMD affect scholarly article visibility and readership? But before we dig into the data, here is some background info on what we do:
Using personalized links, TrendMD now recommends over nine million scholarly articles to two million readers per month via a free content recommendation widget being piloted across a network of hundreds of premium STM journals and blogs, such as The BMJ, Landes Bioscience (Taylor & Francis), and the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Publishers, authors, and funders use TrendMD’s distribution network to grow their audience and ultimately drive more impact. Using machine learning algorithms based on contextual targeting, user click behavior, and personalization (i.e. cookies), we intelligently distribute your scholarly content to the right audience.
Results of the TrendMD Network Trial: 87% Increase in Article Views
We ran a 6-week pilot across the TrendMD network to answer our key question: how does cross-publisher distribution of article links over the TrendMD network affect readership?
To do so, TrendMD completed a trial of 100 articles published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. 50 articles were distributed, and 50 articles remained undistributed. Articles distributed across the network received an average of 191 views, whereas those without distribution received 102 views.
This 87% increase in article views also resulted in an overall 2-4% increase in daily new referral traffic to those journals that had their article links distributed.
Future Plans: Exploring the Effect of TrendMD on Altmetrics and Citations
We are very pleased to see our early data indicating that distributing articles over the TrendMD network can dramatically increase article views. And it gets better. As the number of websites with the TrendMD widget continues to grow, we will be able to distribute scholarly content to even larger audiences. Through our recommendation technology, TrendMD will always work to find the people in that audience who are most engaged and interested in consuming that content.
Moving forward, we are now testing how distribution over the TrendMD network affects metrics such as altmetrics and citations.
If you’re reading this and want to grow your article reach and get your scholarly content in front of a larger and more targeted audience, visit TrendMD to sign up for an invitation to submit to the TrendMD distribution network today. We offer a free trial period to all authors.